

  • Beginner Lessons – (Once per week – 3:1 Ratio): Starfish, Redfish, Parrotfish,
    Yippy Yellow Tang and Golly Green Guppy – $115/month
  • Advanced Lessons – 4:1 Ratio): Dashing Dolphin, and Blazing Barracuda – $105/month
  • Baby (5:1 ratio) and Team Lesson (6:1 ratio: (Once per week): $105/month
  • Private Lessons – (Once per week – 1:1 Ratio): $185/month

Prices are figured on an annual average (Calculation: individual lesson price x 52 weeks divided by 12 months).  Classes will be pro-rated based on the start date and sibling discounts apply.

There is also a $35 annual registration/administration fee per family.

There are several ways to register for classes at Little Otter Swim School:

  1. You can register through our website in the following ways:
    1. On the home page of our site click on the circle that reads, “Let Us Help You Choose A Swim Class”, and this will walk you through the steps to find a class for your child.
    2. Click on the “Registration” navigation tab at the top of any page of the site and this will walk you through the same steps to choose a class.
    3. View the different types of classes under the Our Classes navigation link, and from those descriptions click on the “Register Now” link and you will then begin the process of choosing a class.
  2. You can call us directly at 704-846-7946 and our staff will be more than happy to help you find the best class to fit you and your child’s schedule.
  3. You can come by either of our locations in Matthews or Huntersville and speak with our customer service team, view the school, and get help picking a class for your child.
Categories: General, Registration

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“We love little otter”

Customer testimonial

“Laurel was amazing with my child. She was extremely helpful and we could consistently see progress each and every class.”

Kevin Hinde

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Little Otter Swim School UPDATE – COVID-19 Coronavirus

Hi Little Otter families, Lory and I hope everyone is safe and healthy. We are still paying attention to our government and health authorities. As you have probably heard, Governor Cooper has extended Safer at Home until May 8. Little Otter will be closed at least until that time. We will not be billing your…

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