We do use chlorine in our pools. By law the state requires that either chlorine or bromine be used in any public pool. Since we are an indoor facility we can keep our chlorine level lower then most public pools. Additionally, we have UV filtration systems that all of our pool water is cycled through 24 hours a day, 7 days each week, all year long!
There are two types of ear infections:
Outer Ear Infection or Swimmer’s Ear
This can occur there is water left in the ear canal from a pool, bath, or lake. The liquid in the ear can allow bacteria to grow and potentially cause an infection. Swimmer’s Ear can be prevented with ear drops available at any pharmacy. The drops contain alcohol or boric acid and speed the evaporation of water in the ear canal.
Inner Ear Infection
Studies show no link between this type of infection and swimming.
If you are just starting with us, the annual fee is charged at the time of the first billing.
- Private Lessons – (Once per week – 1:1 Ratio): $185/month
- Beginner Lessons – (Once per week – 3:1 Ratio): Starfish and Yippy Yellow Tang – $115/month
- Beginner II & III Lessons (Once per week – 3:1 Ratio): Redfish, Parrotfish, Golly Green Guppy – $115/month
- Advanced Lessons (Once per week – 4:1 Ratio) Dashing Dolphin, and Blazing Barracuda – $105/month
- Otter Baby Classes: (Once per week – 5:1 Ratio): $105/month
- ExcelTeam Lesson: (Once per week – 6:1 Ratio): $105/month
Prices are figured on an annual average (Calculation: individual lesson price x 52 weeks divided by 12 months). Classes will be pro-rated based on the start date and sibling discounts apply.
Pro-rating for school closures will be based on the number of lessons you receive.
There are several ways to pay for lessons:
- Monthly debit/credit card charge
- Paid in advance
- Quarterly billing
- Check or bank draft
Each family is billed by direct debit or credit card on the first business day of each month. Some families do prefer to pay in other ways, including taking the option to pay for three months in advance, (or quarterly billing.)
If a payment is not made on time, or a direct debit is denied, the customer will be notified by an automated email, as well as an email from our business manager alerting you to the problem and allowing 5-7 days to remedy the issue. After the 7th day a $10 late fee will be assessed to the parents account.
If the customer does not provide a new method of payment, or otherwise correct the payment problem within 15 days of notification the student will be dropped from the class. (An email will be sent and a phone call made to the family at multiple points during this process with ample notifications.)
There is an annual registration fee of $35 that is charged to each family. This is an annual fee and will not be due again until the same time next year.
If you are dropping, this fee will not be charged to your account, but will be due upon your return.
- Beginner Lessons – (Once per week – 3:1 Ratio): Starfish, Redfish, Parrotfish,
Yippy Yellow Tang and Golly Green Guppy – $115/month - Advanced Lessons – 4:1 Ratio): Dashing Dolphin, and Blazing Barracuda – $105/month
- Baby (5:1 ratio) and Team Lesson (6:1 ratio: (Once per week): $105/month
- Private Lessons – (Once per week – 1:1 Ratio): $185/month
Prices are figured on an annual average (Calculation: individual lesson price x 52 weeks divided by 12 months). Classes will be pro-rated based on the start date and sibling discounts apply.
There is also a $35 annual registration/administration fee per family.
We ask that families let us know if you are dropping prior to our monthly billing which is processed on the 1st day of each month. Any notices given after this billing date will be dropped at the end of that month.
There are several ways to register for classes at Little Otter Swim School:
- You can register through our website in the following ways:
- On the home page of our site click on the circle that reads, “Let Us Help You Choose A Swim Class”, and this will walk you through the steps to find a class for your child.
- Click on the “Registration” navigation tab at the top of any page of the site and this will walk you through the same steps to choose a class.
- View the different types of classes under the Our Classes navigation link, and from those descriptions click on the “Register Now” link and you will then begin the process of choosing a class.
- You can call us directly at 704-846-7946 and our staff will be more than happy to help you find the best class to fit you and your child’s schedule.
- You can come by either of our locations in Matthews or Huntersville and speak with our customer service team, view the school, and get help picking a class for your child.
All children are different. Some will come to swim lessons with no inhibitions about water and just need skills training. Other children will come to swim lessons with some anxiety about the water or putting their face in the water.
Children are at also different levels in maturity, physical coordination, and development. Our curriculum is based on 16-18 lessons per level, but some children will progress much more quickly. Other children will take time to get going with the lessons and then will progress more steadily through the levels.
Whatever the case, we teach each child with a gentle and encouraging approach and recognize that every child is different and has different needs. Our goal is to challenge your child and lead them along the path of learning to swim.
All children are different. Some will come to swim lessons with no inhibitions about water and just need skills training. Other children will come to swim lessons with some anxiety about the water or putting their face in the water.
Children are at also different levels in maturity, physical coordination, and development. Our curriculum is based on 16-18 lessons per level, but some children will progress much more quickly. Other children will take time to get going with the lessons and then will progress more steadily through the levels.
Whatever the case, we teach each child with a gentle and encouraging approach and recognize that every child is different and has different needs. Our goal is to challenge your child and lead them along the path of learning to swim.
Our class enrollment schedule is perpetual. This means we do not have a particular start or stop dates for our classes.
Individual classes are 30 minutes, for one day each week. Students can be registered for more than one class per week at the appropriate level. Charges apply for each 30 minute class that the student is registered for.
Time spent in a particular skill level varies, but can average from 16 to 18 weeks.
You may enroll at any time that we have a class that is appropriate for your child’s age and skill level. You will be enrolled in that class until you wish to change times or your child is moved up to another level.
At Little Otter Swim School we don’t believe that students learn according to the calendar and thus they are able to stay with an individual teacher until they have completed the specific goals for that class.
Individual classes are 30 minutes, for one day each week, though parents can enroll their children in multiple classes per week.
At Little Otter Swim School, we believe that children are most successful in a consistent learning environment. Because of this, we encourage you to attend your regularly scheduled swim class as often as possible.
We also realize that our families sometimes have unavoidable conflicts and cannot attend their lessons. Therefore, as a courtesy to our customers, we offer unlimited make-ups. If your family is consistently missing more than one class per month, please let our customer service staff assist you in finding a time that better suits your needs.
- Scheduling the make-up class can only be done at the front desk when you come in.
- Make-ups are based on availability and are not guaranteed.
- We do not guarantee the same teacher for your make-up class.
- You may not receive any type of credit for a missed class.
- The make-up class option expires 60 days following the absence.
- Make-ups cannot be rescheduled (we do not offer to “make-up” a make-up).
- We cannot provide make-up classes for the following students: Lionfish special needs classes
- We also cannot provide back-to-back classes as a make-up option for our Otter Baby Students
Because adding an additional student in the class may disrupt the consistency and integrity of the class setting, we do not recommend make-up classes if your child:
- Is still upset or anxious about any aspect of the swim lesson experience (strangers, noise, separation anxiety, water, submersion, etc)
- Is sensitive to change (time, teacher, environment)
Because we are dealing with young children and water, it is imperative that the safety and quality of our swim lessons take priority over any scheduling needs. Therefore, certain classes may not be available for make-ups. Our Deck Managers and Head Aquatics Leader will carefully consider the needs of the students, the teacher, and the class as a whole before determining if adding a student for a make-up is feasible.
Little Otter does not offer trial lessons, instead we suggest you come in for a visit and watch a class. We believe trial lessons are not fair to your child. Sometimes, it may take a few lessons before a child can adjust to a new environment.
Part of our philosophy is to love them first, and we work hard to build the bond of trust between your child and the instructor.
We do offer a money back guarantee, if you are not happy during your first 2 months of lessons, we will refund your money. All we ask is to let us know why you are unhappy and give us the opportunity to solve the problem.
The National Institutes of Health released a study that supports the positive impact learn to swim lessons can have on young children and drowning prevention. It states, “Providing very young children with swimming lessons appears to have a protective effect against drowning and does not increase childrens’ risk of drowning.” Contrary to long held beliefs, introducing your infant to swimming lessons at even 6 months, does not encourage them to be overly bold and unsafe around water. The study concludes:Participating in formal swimming lessons was associated with an 88% reduction in the risk of drowning in children between the ages of 1 to 4. (Arch Pediatric Med. 2009; 163(3):203-210) Click here to read the full study.
We start our Otter Baby program at age 6 months. This is what feels comfortable for our instructors and curriculum. The real answer is… you know when it’s best to start. Because the Otter Baby program requires an adult, it is really more important to have Mom and Dad on board for the weekly visit, the changing room, getting wet, singing “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” 5 million times… than baby. What works for you will work for baby. Most parents tell us this is a wonderful time with their children and some tell us it is the half hour they get to relax and tune into their baby. Try us when you’re ready.
The best time to start lessons is when the child and the family are ready to learn. Our classes are starting constantly and we may be able to get you into a class this week. The biggest factor in children doing well in swim lesson is consistent attendance and supportive parents. Some children take longer to warm up to new experience and parents that in for the long haul are able to get past this initial reluctance.