Little Otter Swim School provides several baby swimming classes based on age. We start our Otter Baby swim class program at age 6 months. This is what feels comfortable for our instructors and curriculum. Parents tell us this is a wonderful time with their children and many say it is half an hour where they get to relax and also tune into their baby. Click on the appropriate link below to find out more about each baby swimming class that we offer, available in three age groups.
Otter Baby I
(6 months to 18 months) and their parent.
The Otter Baby I program is an infant swim class that’s designed to teach swim readiness by getting children used to the water. They will become acclimated to the water environment and learn some basic skills, including water entry, breath control and floating. Swimming, and being in the water, is emphasized as fun and easy, with songs, games and activities. This is the perfect baby swim class to get your child started on a lifetime of learning to love the water, and being safe in it, at the same time.
Otter Baby II
(18 months to 36 months) and their parent.
The Otter Baby II baby swimming class is fairly similar to the Baby I program, but for children of an older age. This class helps teach toddlers basic skills including floating, submersion and back-floating. Parents work together with their kids, and songs, games and activities are utilized as part of the fun learning environment. Expectations are higher and drills more advanced than in the Baby I sessions, but this is still primarily about basic water skills and comfort in the pool.
Otter Baby III
(most advanced 24 months and up) by invitation.
Our Otter Baby III toddlers swimming lessons are available by invitation only after at least six months of either the Baby I or Baby II program. At this stage, more advanced skills and techniques are taught, with an emphasis on expanding breath control and independent swimming and floating. Along with more advanced and independent techniques comes even more emphasis on safety skills as well. If your toddler thrived in his or her introduction to baby swimming classes, advancing to this level will be a treat for parent and child alike.